02 May 2012

What I wouldn't do to go to Walmart

I'm not a big Walmart shopper.  I'm not saying I don't occasionally get sucked into their "Back to School" sale, or have to go there to find some random item I can't find anywhere else.  But in general, I like to avoid the giant superstore and the culture experience that it provides every time.  Let's not even talk about the parking.  

I find myself, however, wanting to go to Walmart these days.  When you go to seven different stores looking for a shower curtain liner and have scoured the country (without success) for a pitcher to make iced tea in, Walmart sounds like a dream.  

This video is probably funnier once you've lived in England for any length of time, but maybe it's funny just to see Walmart from a British perspective.  

I especially like the cheese and cereal comments because in England, the cheese section in the grocery store is as big as our cereal aisle and their cereal aisle is even smaller than our cheese section.  In case you don't find it funny initially that the boys zoom in on the sign "Try pork tonight.  And enjoy something extraordinary"..... just realize that they eat pork for just about every meal.  

Entire Cereal Section


  1. HA HAAA! I hate Walmart and was reminded again of that today when I went to one for the first time in about 5 months. These guys made me laugh. Buzz Lightyear Operation. "Why does that even exist?"

    1. My favorite is how the guy says "loaf" when referring to the ham and cheese meat thing

  2. Very funny! Thanks for sharing! -LauraLee

    1. Glad you enjoyed :-) I still watch it and laugh.

  3. Oh My GOSH! I am so stealing this Jodie! That was hilarious!!

    1. Ha! I saw Carla today and she said she saw it on your FB. She thought it was hilarious too... especially the part about having blood pressure stations in the store! She thought Wal-mart was a great idea ;-)
