18 May 2012

Dream the Dream

I know you've probably seen this before.  But some things, like a favorite bedtime story, can be listened to over and over again.

I honestly feel inspired watching Susan Boyle.  I'm imagining Susan in her little village, singing to herself and thinking she'd like use this voice that she has, but wondering how and when she would ever get the chance.  She hears about Britain's Got Talent and decides to give it a go.

I love her un-assuming way.  She walks out on that stage not really expecting much, but she is hoping.  If it weren't for hope, she never would've come here.  She seems painfully oblivious to the jeering and snickering coming from audience and judges alike.

She's been written off before she ever sings a note.  Maybe it was her dress... she looked like she could be going to a wedding, or a funeral, or church.  Maybe people wrote her off because she was older than most who dared to dream.  Maybe she wasn't very well spoken, or maybe she simply just didn't look the part and this seemed a waste of everyone's time.

Either way, most had likely planned to settle in for 2 or 3 minutes of laughing when the music started.  Some were nervous for her that she would make a fool of herself. Mockery was in the air.  

Then Susan, like she'd done a million times before (only this time people were listening to her),  opens her mouth and begins to sing.

And then.  Before the first measure of the song is over, the jaws of judges have dropped and their perception of her changes in an instant.  One swallows hard.  One breathes deep.  They are filled with awe.  The crowd is already going wild.  They had all been wrong about her..... very wrong.

I love this right to the end... and I'm reminded of the times where I too, have been in the seat of the judge that has decided too soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ms Boyle was not 'painfully oblivious' to what people were thinking. She was well used to it, as she details in her book. She chose to rise above it and focus on what she was there for. That courage, in part, is why so many have been inspired by her.
