***2 Disclaimers: 1) this post is about 2 months late 2) be forewarned that it contains at least 30 photographs.... I just couldn't narrow it down any further than that.
It's a beautiful thing. Max and Dillon have been friends for 4 years, nearly half of their lives. The sadness they've both felt with us moving was immense. Since September, they have kept in touch through creative Skyping. Have you ever seen boys 'wrestle' and laugh, play games and listen to music together, tell each other about their school day and watch Sponge Bob together.... all on Skype? Even though miles separate, they have found ways to stay alive and well in each others' hearts. They've traded animals and toys just to make sure the other has a piece of them with them at all times.
Shortly after we moved to Oxford, Dillon and his grandpa were having a conversation about where Dillon would like to go on their 'guy trip'. When Dillon's idea of a Chicago Bulls game became doubtful because of their strike, Dillon said, "We could go to England to see Max." His grandpa said, "yeah, we could do that." The tears started rolling down Dillon's face at the thought of that possibly becoming a reality. After much thought, it was decided that Dillon would fly with his dad (Greg) and grandpa (Gary) to see his best friend in February. Dillon discovered the plan was actually going to happen through a scavenger hunt his family made for him for his birthday. The whole thing was set up with clues leading him to the final clue of a toy airplane with (real) tickets to England. A few minutes later, Dillon skyped Max to tell him the news. I wish I had that moment captured on video! After the initial shock and disbelief, Max ripped his shirt off, lassoed it around his head like a cowboy and took off running in circles through the house.
The months of waiting were made easier just knowing they would see each other soon.
Here are some highlights of their time together (many of the photos compliments of Greg):
Max- out of breath from RUNNING off the bus and through the city to get to Gloucester Green Station where he knew Dillon was waiting...
Walking on Air |
Dillon getting his first experience on a double decker bus.... screeching all along the way as it looks from the top like the bus is going to hit people.
Lots to catch up on....
Dillon caring for animals, yes even the pigeons, everywhere we went...
Skyping mom and sister back home.
Blenheim Palace
Boys just being boys...
And some serious video gaming....
Gary bought this for the kids (who had been wanting it for months)....
Oh man, just look at those faces.
This was the saddest moment of all. But we are all so thankful for the time spent with Dillon, Greg and Gary. We had a wonderful time together and look forward to seeing them again soon.
Dillon's request was extravagant. And his parents and grandpa gave an extravagant gift. It all made me think about myself as a child of God and how He loves for his kids to ask for extravagant gifts. He's not bothered by our requests. He's a
Giver and a
Lover and he loves to give good gifts to his children.