26 November 2011

Worth a Watch

This might be the best two minutes of your day.  I can't watch it without tears filling the corners of my eyes as I become beautifully aware that there is so much more to God and His creation than I can see or understand.

For me, it is Psalm 19:1 without words.

**Enlarge your screen and turn up the volume......

It makes me wonder just how much creation plays and praises the God who made them when no one is around to see.  I especially love the breathless amazement from the girls in the boat.


  1. So nice to hear from the Blackburns! Hope all is well in Oxford... Auggie and I are thinking of you. Hope you're experiencing so many new things together! Hope to hear from you soon.

    Don't forget to smile everyday!
    Cara and Auggie

  2. Cara, loved hearing from you! I've been thinking about you and Auggie, and wishing more than you know that we'd be home for the wedding! I just tried to email you but don't have your address (it's on jeff's computer), my email is in the "finding us" tab- will you send it to me? I miss you! We'll have to go out for Mexican soon.

  3. Love it! Michael and I have been looking up places to watch those birds do that! Did you know it happens all over the UK skies during this time of year? The peak season is actually the end of November to the beginning of December! Sadly, the closest place they have been spotted at is like 2 hours away... Times like this I really wish we had a car!

  4. Joy, I met someone here who sent me a link http://youtu.be/XH-groCeKbE (don't know how to "link" this).... these starlings are just ten minutes from where we live! This patch of land where they are often spotted is East of here.... Let's figure out a way to go!!

  5. Are you serious?! Ahh!! We must go!!

  6. Mom sent me the link to the blog and so I am just getting caught up on all of the wonderful adventures you all are having. I seriously laughed out loud reading the story of Max after school. Too funny. Did you happen to stop by Dougs and grab some ignatia balls before you left?? lol. So glad to see everyone is adjusting. You are in our prayers!

  7. You're blogg'n, so fun to see your life on line. Do Skype me anytime, somehow I feel closer to you virtually, perhaps the fact we're both liv'n crazy unknown lives every day. Keeps you always on your knees. Praying for you friend.

  8. WOW !!!! ALL of creation DOES praise the LORD !!!
